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Hyget S24 - Zoresens System

Acrid Planet Weather: Corrosive Cyclones Age: Approx. 1.69 billion years Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide 65%, Nitrogen 26%, Trace Others...

Tephensb C39 - Zoresens System

Glacial Planet Weather: Snowy Age: Approx. 2.22 billion years Atmosphere: Methane 52%, Radon 21%, Trace Others Primary Core Element:...

Nosiasur - Zoresens System

Life-Incompatible Planet Weather: Airless Age: Approx. 2.59 billion years Atmosphere: Not Present Primary Core Element: Emeril Geology:...

Tisdalum Prime - Zoresens System

Parched Planet Weather: Sporadic Grit Storms Age: Approx. 0.66 billion years Atmosphere: Di-hydrogen 55%, Sulphurine 29%, Trace Others...

Roskel Tau - Zolovop-Mon System

Hot Planet Weather: Overly Warm / Superheated Gas Pockets Age: Approx. 5.73 billion years Atmosphere: Carbon Monoxide 55%, Sulphurine...

Juneattl - Zolovop-Mon System

Vapour Planet Weather: Stinging Puddles Age: Approx. 3.83 billion years Atmosphere: Thamium9 65%, Nitrogen 29%, Trace Others Primary Core...

Lufreens Nowar - Zolovop-Mon System

Corrosive Planet Weather: Poison Rain / Ascidic Deluges Age: Approx. 0.97 billiom years Atmosphere: Di-hydrogen 60%, Chlorine 28%, Trace...

Ippenh - Zolovop-Mon System

Frozen Planet Weather: Crisp Age: Approx. 1.43 billion years Atmsphere: Oxygen 51%, Radon 20%, Trace Others Primary Core Element:...

Maccl Y26 - Zolovop-Mon System

Gamma-Intensive Planet Weather: Radioactive Humidity / Energetic Storms Age: Approx. 4.07 billion years Atmosphere: Hyglese 69%, Radon...

Aquintpa Gamma - Zolovop-Mon System

Bubbling Planet Weather: Corrupted Blood Age: Approx. 3.87 billion years Atmosphere: Hyglese 67%, Chlorine 25%, Trace Others Primary Core...

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